Книга. № 515. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines containing a clear Exposition of their Principles and Practice. Edited by Robert Hunt. Vol. II. D. - L. 1867. Hunt R., Ure
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515. Dr Ure's dictionary of arts,manufactures,and mines edited by Robert Hunt .VoL.II. D.-L.
515. Dr Ure's dictionary of arts,manufactures,and mines edited by Robert Hunt .VoL.II. D.-L.
Книга. № 515. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines containing a clear Exposition of their Principles and Practice. Edited by Robert Hunt. Vol. II. D. - L. 1867. Hunt R., Ure
Hunt Robert Ure
Книга. № 515. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines containing a clear Exposition of their Principles and Practice. Edited by Robert Hunt. Vol. II. D. - L.